Dark Horse Database
Organization TemplateOrganization Template
Oannes Society

Official Name
Oannes Society

Organization Identity

Base Of Operations
formerly Washington, D.C. and an island near Balikpapan, Indonesia

Former Members
Dameron, Edward Musgrove, Ensner, Abe Sapien (Langdon Caul), McWhirter

Formed as a splinter group in 1736 from the Heliopic Brotherhood of Ra after internal arguments over the origins of the god Atum.

Place of Defunction
An island in Indonesia


In the 18th century, the Oannes Society was formed by a splinter group of dissidents of the Heliopic Brotherhood of Ra when two separate groups argued over the origins of the god Atum on which the other side that formed the Society steadfastly believed that Atum was "born from the sea." Since then the Oannes Society became a rival to the H.B.R. and maintains that life and all knowledge having come from the sea. But, the Society fares little members in comparison to the Brotherhood. Among their members was Langdon Everett Caul, whose underwater sea-exploring caused his transformation into Abe Sapien. Right after Sapien's transformation, the Society believed him to be the embodiment of Oannes and kept him in a preservation tank. Apparently the society was somehow connected to President Abraham Lincoln's assassination, and was force to leave America and abandoning Abe Sapien in their hidden American headquarters in Washington D.C.

The Oannes Society kidnapped the mummy Panya from the H.B.R., and stole her away to an island in Indonesia, where they lived for over 140 years.

Over the years the same members kept themselves alive through the arts of "dark science" by transferring their frail bodies in crude cybernetic bodies. By the early 21st century, the society attempted to "save" and reunite mankind with divinity by killing millions of people in the Pacific rim by having earthquake machines placed geographically to create artificial tsunamis. However, their plans was foiled by Panya and a returning Abe Sapien, and all members of the society were killed. Apparently spelling the end of the Oannes Society. Sometime later, however, one of its member, McWhirter, survived after being nearly blown up and fell into the nearby sea, where the Society's Victorian era submarine was docked. Which he used it to escape and was seen observing a television news about the latest sighting of a Ogdru Hem that appeared in California's Salton Sea.[1]



  • Victorian era cyborg body suits


  • Submarine (appears to have not been used for more than a century)

Weapons: None known.


  • No special notes.


  • No trivia.

See Also

Links and References

  • None.